Learn what is happening at 3Bears these days! We will share all the great projects and growth that is happening at 3Bears here in our news section.
NNSA Site – Kansas City
3Bears staff provided technical services at the NNSA site - Bannister Federal Complex in Kansas City to support a MARSSIM investigation prior to decommissioning the facility. Direct a [...]
3 Bears provides support to TENORM Measurement Solutions. This is a small business operating out of Williston, North Dakota where oil shale samples are measured using direct gamma-ray [...]
West Valley Demonstration Project (WVDP)
3Bears staff performed a review of characterization data for varied containers that had been initially identified as transuranic or indeterminate. These containers included drums, box [...]
Argonne National Laboratory
The 3Bears team has been performing RH TRU waste processing activities since 2009, with over 450 drums of RH TRU waste processed, characterized, packaged, and shipped to WIPP. This wo [...]
Idaho National Engineering Laboratory
3Bears staff team managed a pilot project at the Idaho Cleanup Project (ICP) to determine the efficacy of using multiple measurement methodologies to re-classify TRU drums as LLMW, in [...]
Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)
3Bears staff team provided TVA Corporate Nuclear with Work Management Corporate Function Area Manager (CFAM) Support duties as interim while position being filled. Duties included IT [...]
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