3Bears can provide technical services and has access to qualified and experienced personnel in management, multiple engineering specialties, nuclear and radiological safety, environmental, quality, and personnel management.

Our staff has knowledge and experience to help you to design, launch, and fine-tune your nuclear, radiological, chemical, electrical, and metallurgical programs. We can do all the administrative for you. Our people have expertise in developing nuclear safety basis documents, and complete turn-key programs in Conduct of Operations, Work Planning, Remote operations Procedure development, and Health, Safety and Quality programs for your site.

We can also work for you at your site. We perform site-auditing, mentoring, and operational readiness reviews. Or we can help you by providing qualified staff support staff.


  • Nuclear, Waste, and D&D Operations

  • Conduct of Operations and Work Control Mentors

  • Operational Readiness and Start-up Testing

  • Nuclear Safety Basis

  • Remote Operations Consulting

  • Maintenance & Work Planning

  • Criticality Safety, Mechanical, Electrical, Chemical, and Metallurgical Engineering

  • Waste Management

  • Training & Procedures

  • Construction & Remediation

  • Safety Management

  • Quality Management

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