Richard Sain
Vice President

A proven program manager with over 30 years’ progressive broad-based leadership experience across the DOE complex managing projects or supporting projects in the areas of start- up testing, readiness, D&D, and nuclear facility operations.

  • Developed readiness strategy, Plan of Action, and Subcontract Management Program for SRPPF.
  • Served as Conduct of Operations/Work Control Mentor at multiple DOE sites.
  • Project Manager for a measurement, decontamination, decommissioning and waste management project at the DOE Bannister site in Kansas City, Missouri.
  • Design and Implementation of NQA-1 programs and provided quality control oversight for a multi-year non-destructive assay contract at Argonne National Laboratory valued at over $5M.
  • Project Manager at the Idaho National Lab (INL) IWTU project and Separations Process Research Unit (SPRU) D&D Project.
  • Corporate responsibility for DOE activities and 8 project offices with 200 personnel throughout the DOE complex.
  • Verified Integrated Work Control Packages (IWCP) for accuracy, consistency, and technical correctness prior to approval for work, directing and verifying the completion of prerequisites for all IWCP’s, coordinating the Lockout/Tagout’s for D&D.
  • Ensured completion of SAR and Authorization Basis requirements, and Basis for Interim Operation (BIO) at RFETS.
  • ISMS Mentor/War Room Manager responsible for implementation of Hazard Identification, Analysis & Control of Operational Activities for Test Reactor Facilities (TRA).